Are You in Compliance with your Drug & Alcohol Testing Program?
Call us NOW! (863) 533-2191
As safety compliance professionals, we assess your Department of Transportation (DOT) compliance and safety needs and offer you a variety of very affordable services. Did you Know? An average of 74% of all drug users are employed.

DOT Program Management
Our services and experience help you eliminate the "blind spots" that occur during the DOT collection and lab testing process.
CSA Compliance
Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) is a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) initiative
More Details
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Our mission is to deliver the most professional and reliable, specimen collection services in the industry and to provide tailored, quality service to each of our clients.

Compliance Audit Reviews
We're here to help you with DOT Compliance Audits.
Business Services & Solutions
Offices Bartow/Ft.Pierce, FL
Phone: 863.533.2191
FAX: 772.672.4121

Driver Files
Each motor carrier shall maintain a driver qualification file for each driver it employs.

Background Checks MVRs
Motor Vehicle Reports, provide timely management and reports to help you quickly request, view, and understand results

DOT Compliance Training
Our Compliance Training Program is designed to introduce the Company &/Or the DER to all Safety Regulations and Compliance issues.